Powdermet to Supply Battery Materials to the US Navy
Powdermet has entered into a contract with the United States Navy to investigate safer, higher-rate, higher-energy-density thermal batteries through the development of improved nanocomposite anode materials. Specifically, nanocomposite lithium-silicon is to be developed to replace traditional lithium as the anode material.
This new anode material will be made of carbon-supported nanostructured lithium-silicon dispersed in a solvent compatible with battery manufacturing methods. To make the anode, we will develop stable nanocomposite particles by microencapsulation with electrolyte-soluble polycarbonate binders. With these materials, our goal is to prepare a nanocomposite anode tape with high adhesion through high-velocity spraying techniques.
Thermal batteries have a working temperature in the range of 500° to 700°C (930° to 1300°F), with power output ranging from a few watts to several kilowatts. These specialized batteries operate for only a few hours, and are primarily used in missiles, rockets, and torpedoes.