Niobium is the 41st element on the periodic table. Also known as Columbium, it is a high-performance metal used in specialty applications. Niobium’s strong mechanical performance at high temperatures, up to 2,000C, has found applications for extreme temperature conditions – that include improving other alloys’ temperature performance, superconducting materials, electronics, optics, and next generation aviation and space vehicles seeking to reach beyond hypersonic speeds. All niobium applications benefit from a secure and reliable source of niobium powders.
Powdermet is a domestic supplier of securely sourced niobium and niobium alloy powders.
Powdermet provides 25+ years of experience in powder processing and handling. Powdermet guarantees chemistry and composition of its niobium powder– low oxide and nitride impurities. A range of niobium powder particle sizes and distributions are available. Particle shape may be modified through Powdermet’s proprietary and trade processing technologies.
Niobium Powder Data Sheet Info
Particle sizes include:
Shape types:

Powdermet reclaimed, milled niobium powder.

Niobium powder prilled for near spherical shape necessary for additive manufacture.
Additionally all powders are available as tailorable alloys.

Powdermet reclaimed niobium powder mechanically alloyed as Nb752.